Most businesses are aware of their brand or branding and rightly see it as their corporate image and know it is of vital importance to their business, but often do not realize how vulnerable it is at the same time. In order to protect it properly, it should be registered as their trade mark..
Benefits of Trademark Registration:
This may lead to your reputation being ruined.
Copyright is a set of exclusive rights granted to the author or creator of an original work including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. Copyright does not protect ideas, but only their expression or fixation.
Copyright in UAE is protected under the Copyright and Authorship Protection Law No.7 for the year 2002. Protection is granted to authors of literary, artistic and scientific works of whatever the value or kind or purpose or way of expression is. Protection is provided for works whose means of expression is writing, sound, drawing, image, motion pictures, creative titles or computer software translation of works is also protected.